Our Companies

Our subsidiaries actively market, underwrite, and provide risk management services for a wide variety of coverages, mostly in the specialty and title insurance fields.

The Old Republic Specialty Insurance Group (ORSIG) is our largest segment. It includes 18 underwriting subsidiaries, plus many agency and related services companies serving customers in the U.S. and Canada.

Visit ORSIG's website

The Old Republic Title Insurance Group (ORTIG) has built a solid reputation as an industry leader and is one of the largest title insurance groups in the United States. 

Visit ORTIG's website



In recognition of Old Republic’s stability and financial strength, its key insurance subsidiaries are consistently assigned high financial condition or claims-paying ability ratings. 

  AM Best Moody's Standard & Poor's
BITCO General Insurance Corporation A+ A2 A+
BITCO National Insurance Company A+ A2 A+
Great West Casualty Company A+ A2 A+
Old Republic General Insurance Corporation A+ A2 A+
Old Republic Insurance Company A+ A2 A+
Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada A - -
Old Republic National Title Insurance Company A+ A2 A+
Old Republic Surety Company A+ - A+
Old Republic Union Insurance Company A+ - A+
PMA Insurance Group A+ A2 A+
Old Republic International Corporation: Long-term Debt - Baa2/Stable BBB+/Stable

- Indicates no rating sought by Company or provided by the indicated rating agency

Rating determinations made by rating agencies are subject to change from time to time. While the Company attempts to show accurate information, it cannot assure the timeliness of ratings referred to herein and assumes no obligation to monitor the ratings actions of any rating agency. AM Best ratings as of July 12, 2023; Standard & Poor's as of November 17, 2020; Moody's as of January 22, 2024. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) ratings from AM Best represent the 2nd and 3rd highest ratings, respectively, among 13 rating categories. An A2 rating from Moody's (Highest Quality) represents the 6th highest rating among 21 rating categories and an A+ (Strong) from Standard & Poor's represents the 5th highest rating among 20 rating categories.